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Madonna di Valverde, Valverde di Rezzato (BS), Italy
Commemorated on October 1

The interesting history of the Shrine of Our Lady of Valverde Rezzato (BS), with its pond, dating back to 1399 between late June and early July. A good farmer is plowing his field, near the entrance of Valverde Rezzato, near a church dedicated to Our Lady. Suddenly his horse stop, falling on his knees and refuse to continue. The astonished farmer looks up and sees before him a character dressed in a red tunic and a blue mantle.
With an authoritative voice the character orders: "Get me three loaves that you have in the bag and went to throw them in the pond (pond)." Seized by fear, the pious peasant (in the story is called yokel) starts prompt to execute the order received. But when he is about to throw the first bread in the pond a very gentle voice called him:
"Stop! Do not throw them. "
It's a Lady, appeared on a rock in the middle of the water, which spoke to him. The shy farmer is forbidden, does not know what to say or what to do.
The Lady speaks again:
"Back from the adorable Lord has sent you here and beg him from me that is pleased to revoke his command and assicuralo that I'll find a way to fulfill his divine justice."
The farmer returns at the foot of Character, refers to the vision he had, and the Lady of his words, but the Lord shows you angry, insists in the order given and wants to run. Sad farmer returns to the pond, with its three loaves of bread, decided to follow orders, but the Lady stops him once again:
"No! Do not throw them. "
"But the order of the Lord is this, and I have to do," replied the farmer.
"No! Stop, listen - takes the Lady - I am the Mother of the Divine Redeemer and the Lord who has given you this order is precisely my Divine Son. He is rightly angry with the boundless wickedness that reigns among men, and decided to punish them with dreadful scourges. Throw in these loaves would mean the irrevocable decree. 'Go, therefore, and pray to my Jesus that he still wanted to show mercy to sinners in the hope that they will return to a virtuous life. "
Gathered his strength, trusting in the protection of Our Lady, the farmer returns with a brisk pace to the presence of the Redeemer. Prostrate on the ground in tears exposes the desire of His divine Mother, has its merits, his prayers, his interest and ensures almost certain sinners to repentance, but with firmness and stern face Jesus ordered him, "Go back to the pond and run the command I gave you. The iniquities of men are at the peak, my righteousness is weary; vice, lust that dominate more than ever in the midst of them move me to a lot of nausea; go 'and accomplish what I have commanded you. "
At the height of the terror, the pious peasant recalls the painful path, and with the crash in his heart, his eyes fixed on the face of the Virgin Mary to implore you mercy and help.
It feels repeat:
"O good man! The case is very serious. We insist again to pray the Divine Mercy. The casting of these three loaves mean the unleashing upon the earth for three terrible plagues, pestilence, famine, war and the extermination of most of the people. Go 'back to the feet of my Divine Son, presentagli on my behalf the merits of its most sacred Wounds of His Passion and death, rinnovagli my grades and desires, through the intercession of my supplications, tell him that I will work through you to call the people to sincere repentance. Insist devoutly prays with great humility and mercy of him will prevail. "
The farmer returns once again, crying in front of the character, tells him the prayers and supplications of the Madonna, and finally he was told: "In my blessed Mother deny anything I know. For the love of you I suspend two of the punishments, and also if the men retreating from their unclean habits cleanse themselves deeply in the tears of penance will be greatly lightened the third. It should be 'the pond and sowedst one bread. "
He returned to the pond the farmer is the Madonna that allows him to throw in the water one of three loaves of bread, and says:
"Now go and tell the things you have seen and heard. It urges people to abandon the ways of wickedness, encourage them to live a Christian life to appease the divine justice which severely irritated. Suggest their purification in the sacrament of penance, devotees make novenas and processions ... shall wear white robes ... assist devoutly at Holy Mass ... with faith receive the Holy Communion. Among the songs I very much enjoyed the Stabat Mater dolorosa ... ".
The farmer after throwing one bread, one of the plague, as will clarify the Madonna, ran to inform his countrymen of what happened. The man then accompanied by a group of disciples dressed in white like him, he moves from country to country, from region to region to narrate what was seen and heard to proclaim the word, preaching and doing penance and prayer processions.
Thus was born the movement of the Whites, or Disciplined, of which St. Antonino of Florence relates in part III of his work history; great religious movement that is spreading not only in Italy but also in Germany, France and Spain.
The appearance of the 1st October 1711
As if to confirm his predilection for Valverde, Our Lady appears a second time in 1711. In the late summer of that year, the province of Brescia is hit by a severe epidemic with great dying cattle. The inhabitants of Rezzato and neighboring countries have recourse to Our Lady of Valverde and plan a solemn celebration in the Sanctuary for Friday, October 2. The previous day, Thursday, October 1, Paul Ogna two boys of eight and 11 years old Francesco Pelizzari go to collect chestnuts on the hill of St. Peter near the pond of the Sanctuary.
Around 16, they are about to return home, turn their eyes to the Chapel of the pond and saw with wonder a shine on the roof of it.
Staring at more carefully, see that light in the midst of a woman dressed in white and shining like the sun, dressed in white robes and with a blue mantle almost relieved by a mysterious breeze. Curiosity leads them to rush from the mountain and ran to the pond. The woman is kneeling and praying toward the east. The two boys are said to be delighted: "This is the Madonna." And they bowed the knee, recite it in front of the Salve Regina. The vision soon disappears, but that light was also noticed by a woman who collects firewood in the surrounding area. The boys run to tell the tale, people run to the Sanctuary certain that the epidemic would cease, as it really happens. (1)
Near the site of the apparition there was a small octagonal church dating from the twelfth century. Proved inadequate to accommodate the growing number of pilgrims, the Rezzatesi decided to erect a more spacious sanctuary, which was completed in 1615.
The devotion to Our Lady of Valverde is alive even today. Blessed Pope John XXIII had to express himself thus: "Rezzato! I have it here in the heart with his beautiful shrine that I visited "and October 22nd 1967 Salesian Cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez, Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, visited the shrine of Valverde and presided over the solemn religious function on the occasion of of the Faith.
(1) Ermenegildo Bianchini, The appearance of the Redeemer and Holy Mary. Valverde Rezzato in 1399 (Milan, Tip. Artigianelli, 1946); Fappani Antonio, Rezzato and its Sanctuary (Brescia, Linotip. Squassina, 1962).
Don Mario Morra SDB;
Source: magazine "Mary Help of Christians", in September 2002, with additional details taken from other sources.
The feast of Our Lady
Every year on the last Sunday of July, a ceremony of great interest is the dual appearance of Christ and the Virgin Mary with a procession that winds its way from the parish to the Shrine of Valverde. The sacred procession is characterized by the presence of some young people in costume who personify various saints (St. Anne, St. Agnes, St. Lucia, St. Maria Goretti, St. Cecilia, S.Teresina of Lisieux, St. Mary Magdalene , St. Ursula, Saint Elizabeth the mother of Saint John the Baptist, St. Elizabeth Queen of Hungary, St. Helena, S.Tarcisio, S. Luigi Gonzaga, St. Dominic Savio St. John Bosco, St. Francis of 'Assisi, St. Rocco) and the theological virtues (Faith, Hope, and Charity). Participate in the parade also the three key characters of the story: Christ, Mary and the yokel, played by the same number appearing in the flesh. In the procession was also brought a group of statues depicting a moment of dialogue between the Virgin Mary and the yokel. As early as Friday before the procession this group is moved from the sanctuary to the parish. Rounding out the parade and the altar servers, the celebrant bearing the relic of the Holy Cross.
During the procession, the one who embodies the Christ struts pointing the finger, as a sign of empire, towards the yokel. Our Lady, surrounded by a group of girls dressed in white, appears adorned with crown, gold chains and jewelry (donated to the sanctuary by the faithful as a sign of gratitude for graces received.) The plowman, wearing coarse clothes of the era, instead holding in his hands a typical loaf rezzatese ("biove") and, to show his subjection to Christ, walking in shoulders back to the pond and along the road that leads to the Sanctuary .