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Nuestra Señora de Linares, Spain

Commemorated on June 29
Nuestra Señora de Linares, Spain
The devotion of the people of Cordoba Virgin Linares is undoubtedly one of the oldest known cities and reconquered by the Christian kings peoples. Her shrine is 8 kilometers from Córdoba. It is famous for its miracles.
La Virgen de Linares, already known since time immemorial as Captain and Conqueror, and sometimes as "invincible generala" is closely linked to the people of Córdoba since Fernando III deposited in that Mohammedan watchtower beautiful spot chosen by the Castilian-Leonese king for Real Site, and through the centuries, for her solemn acts of extraordinary emotion, which were for the city and the Cordovan help, encouragement and protection were organized.


It is believed that the name by which you knew this, Our Lady of Linares, was perhaps image for being picked up by the king in a village of this name, or, to bring the priest surname Linares or chaplain who was responsible for his custody, a name that was already used to this day. But a quote from the third volume of the Sacred Palestra Sanchez Fair, is said to "quando glorious Conquistador Córdoba, the illustrious San Fernando, came with his Exercito to making Córdoba, made high at this site, where there was and today remains a strong Atalaya. Here, in a portable altar, a natural priest, he said Mass Linares Baeza, who brought his company to put this image in the altar, being the preparatory worship a glorious, as arduous conquest. "
More recent studies suggest that brought "Linares" may be a Spanish version of the Arabic name of these watchtowers called al-narum as'ala tali'a, meaning in Castilian is "watchtower where the fire is lit," or simply al-narum, "where the fire is," which derive Linares, as with many other Arabic names to castellanizarse, such as al-Marlya, Almería, al-Yussana, Baena, as-Suja \ ra, Zuheros, and so on.
The image of the Virgen de Linares is a wood carving carrying a child on her right arm. His attitude and his physiognomy is majestic accuses a mystical expression, both in the beautiful Virgin and Child resting on the breast of the mother. His gaze is tender and the smile of exceptional sweetness.
Father Juan Bautista Moga, of the Society of Jesus, in a visit he made to the sanctuary in 1881, looking at the image of Our Lady was curious enough to lift the skirt that covered then, observing that it had crescent at his feet, thus being convinced that the Virgin of Linares was represented in the mystery of her Immaculate Conception.
The height of the image is 94 inches and the base 8 and 1/2, with a diameter of 25, and is hollow inside. The wooden image shows signs of very remote antiquity.
The image and stand up a piece of good pear wood, except the two projecting ends on both sides of the crescent is on the feet, which are pine Segura very good and put the thread for extra strength and consistency. About this detail added that the experts of that pine Safe "are two patches of the base" and that "both patches and crescent as its styled, color and hardness, are next to the sculpture" .
Although carved crescent of a wood other than the left of the statue is not just clinging to a later period, but forms with it a whole, otherwise luck could not explain the layout and falling folds outlined in part of the emblem.
The Reverend Father Moga made concrete summary of all opinions, supporting three conclusions expressed below.
First, it was that same image, at least the thirteenth century, as the emblems that are annexes, based on the recognition, in the oral tradition and the written. Second: that the attributes represent, without any doubt the mystery of the Conception of Mary. And third, that this demonstration shows that this sculpture is the oldest known Conception and authentic, existing throughout the Catholic world, being above (two hundred and fifty) to older, who do not pass the mid-fifteenth century.
It is possible that the first move to Córdoba image of Our Lady of Linares was in 1808, when the French invasion, whose troops, under General Dupont, were about to enter the city. Echavarri The general, who was a military hero and professed great devotion to Our Lady of Linares, provided that this city is to bring out thereunder. "In the afternoon of Saturday June 4, 1808, says Redel-out for sanctuary Rosary of Our Lady Help with many priests and immensity of people, and on the morning of day 6, Easter Sunday, Pentecost, came through the door preceded Plasencia image of San Fernando and accompanied by all the inhabitants of the province, which become soldiers, cheered and proclaimed his general's invincible. "
Chronic adds that "both effigies of the Virgin and San Fernando, were greeted upon entering Cordoba with a general ringing of bells; penetrated its path in the temples of Santa María de Gracia and Santa Marta, on the door the convent of San Pablo were expected by the Dominican community, and in San Francisco, by the Franciscans. Followed the procession through the Cross Trail to the parish of St. Peter, in whose church images were deposited, which masses and other religious events were offered, including sermons learned representatives of the Church. "
It is said that when the Gallic troops came to the parish of San Pedro, which was closed, it was believed that the temple or palace barracks in which the general Echavarri was staying, so it was ordered to blow up the building.
The chronicle says that there was a miraculous event, as the wicks repeatedly Cannon came on, they went out without being able to meet its target, thereby giving time to know that the building was a church and desist from firing her.
The fact of the image in the temple was the reason for the people firmly believe in the protection of Our Lady of the city, as it was not the most suffered the scourge of the French invasion, despite the Cordoba had to endure three days of looting during which many temples were desecrated and large excesses were committed.
On 16 June, the French general had to rush his troops Cordoba and Cordoba, free from the yoke of the French, came to the parish of San Pedro to thank Our Lady of Linares, for having saved Cordoba greater evils, as occurred in other Spanish cities and towns. After four months of stay in the city on October 16 of that year, 1808 image returned to its sanctuary, accompanied by that of San Fernando.
Four years later, in 1812, the Virgen de Linares was again moved to Córdoba to her and to the Holy Church Cathedral proceed to the oath of the Constitution. Refer chronic we consulted on the matter that "the image of the Virgin left the sanctuary in the morning of 15 September that year, depositing it in the mill creek Pedroche, conveniently arranged for the purpose, where he remained until five afternoon, that crossing the stream, was taken to the house of the Powder, where the clergy and parish crosses were added, according to Cross Roelas, where he was received by General Echavarri, who was waiting with a company of lancers and military music, following the procession to the New Gate, where he joined the image of our Custodio San Rafael, with their brotherhood, following to the Cathedral where you entered, after being received by the bishop and chapter, verifying the morning of the 16th the feast of Constitution Day. La Virgen de Linares returned to her shrine on September 25 of that year 1812. "
On several other occasions the image of Our Lady of Linares was down to the city for epidemics plaguing not only to Cordoba, Andalusia and Spain but whose story would be neat.
The first 5 June L808 by the French invasion, the image came to Córdoba city and deposited in the Convent of Santa María de Gracia, Santa Marta and then went to the Church of San Pedro.
The September 15, 1812 down to the Cathedral to take the oath of the Constitution.
In 1865 an epidemic.
On December 24 of that year in San Lorenzo one Triduum in honor to his name.
Also on June 26, 1885 carried out by another extraordinary epidemic that invades the city.
In the twentieth century we find an extraordinary departure on November 27, 1904 for worship in honor of the Virgen de Linares and commemorating the 500th anniversary of the proclamation of the Dogma of the Conception.
In 1936 because of the civil war he moved to the parish of San Lorenzo , where it remains until the end of the war.
In 1963 gets off to celebrate the Reconquista the Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos , in the hall of mosaics ceremony attended by all the ecclesiastical, civil and military authorities.
In 1985 gets off to restore the image by Francisco Jiménez de Córdoba and leveraging the restoration of the Shrine.
To celebrate the 750th anniversary in 1986 is lowered to the Cathedral , the last two years up to the Virgen de Linares in pilgrimage from Cordoba to Santuario.
And finally in 1993 on the occasion of the restoration that was submitted by D. Miguel Arjona, back to the fifteenth century appearance. It is in this year when the Cordoba Group has availed itself of the protection of Our Lady of Linares on his march to Bosnia in humanitarian aid mission, ceremony held at the Cathedral Church, assisted by the ecclesiastical authorities, Civil and Military, as well as a great representation of various guilds and people in general.



About five miles down the road from Córdoba Almaden is located on a small hill shrine of Our Lady of Linares, surrounding the old watchtower send place where King Ferdinand III image of the Virgin of Captain and Conqueror city.
The Shrine of Our Lady of Linares who belongs to the municipality of Cordova. It is considered the oldest around Córdoba for having founded after the conquest of the city by Ferdinand III.
The shrine is an architectural complex, based on an existing core, a watchman or lookout tower, to which he was attaching to form a structural unit, after a series of buildings: the church, the inn and the house of Santeria . All these elements are assembled, forming a single building.
The tower belongs to Islamic military architecture of the ninth century, was, according to tradition, the place he chose King Ferdinand III to serve as a first temple to the Virgin. It is square, with ashlar masonry factory in the corners and two floors. The ground floor included within the scope of the church is the old sanctuary and is covered with a barrel vault. The church is a Latin cross with a later addition to form an apse. It consists of atrium with high choir, nave, side chapels, chancel and apse.
The atrium, a rectangular plan , has an outer door arch, arch panels and cancel Recercada by forging. It is covered with a flat roof and walls are preserved some votives. The Inner cover access to the building is limestone, with a pointed arch whose key carved bears the emblem of Linares, rests on a stone jambs that terminate at a fascia of which start as both arch arch panels. All these architectural elements have a Gothic molding profiles.
Along with the cover, upstairs , choir, rectangular, open to the nave of the church with a depressed arch and straight wooden railing balusters develops.
The ship is elongated rectangular and not very regular, with two open to the nave by pointed arches and side chapels decorated with altarpieces arms. Highlights of this space is the collection of paintings including works by Antonio del Castillo and Juan de Alfaros and other Zambrano, Sarabia and Cordoba anonymous seventeenth century.
On the right, there is a rectangular chapel covered with groin vault and three altars, one of them with the image of San Fernando, the work of the Cordovan artist Lorenzo Cano, of little artistic relief, another altar is the image of San José attributed to the Trappist Father Webber, and the third has an image of San Rafael, unknown artist, some authors claim that was what was in the first church of the Pledge until it was replaced by the current, the Cordovan sculptor Alonso Gomez Sandoval.
To the left, another rectangular chapel covered with a barrel vault with lunettes and two altars, one with the image of Jesus Nazareno quite artistic, whose origin is believed to be the former convent of the Owners, for many years had a brotherhood in Holy Week prayed procesionando the image, ordeal to the nearby mountain, and since then by Cerro de Jesus known. The altar has an inscription that says it was gilded and painted at the expense of Don Pedro de Heredia in 1801. The following dress testero an image of Our Lady of Sorrows, author unknown, although his expression quite rightly reflects the meaning of her title is venerated.
Ship Ends in a pointed arch whose thread is made of sandstone and connects with a narrower section that corresponds to the tower. It was the old presbytery. It is covered with a barrel vault. The apse connected with the previous section, it is semicircular with a simple dome cover and its five windows facing open bookmarked. This space is dominated by a neoclassical temple that houses the statue of the Virgen de Linares. It is circular with Corinthian columns supporting a dome.
From the right side of the temple leads to the sacristy , where the oldest exvoto found, dated 1717. Also attached to the right wall Santero's house, with two floors is located. On the left is part of the old inn.
The main facade of the sanctuary play schemes lodges in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with a strong popular character. It presents, first, the curtain wall of the old inn in which four arches open. The temple is on two floors. Downstairs, there are two doors with lintels listello frame and in the center a span of arch and arch panels recess, the Inner temple entrance. Upstairs there are three simple indoor balconies and a roof water. Behind him a curvilinear parapet leaving the belfry, two bodies, two low arches and pilasters between the second bell with a bow terminating in a cornice with central tuft rises. It was built in 1862.
In summary, the appearance of this building is an Andalusian rural village rather than a religious building, but for its complexity, presents the appearance of rural hermitage.

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