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Nostra Signora del Boschetto / Our Lady of the Grove - Liguria, Genoa, Italy

Commemorated on July 2
Nostra Signora del Boschetto / Our Lady of the Grove - Liguria, Genoa, Italy Sailors and fishermen in the beautiful city of Liguria (Genoa) have a zealous and dedicated devotion a miraculous painting of the Virgin, guarded in the sanctuary built by their ancestors, on the site of an apparition of Our Lady.

The story has been handed down through generations until today. On a small hill overlooking Camogli, called the Boschetto,  a shrine to Our Lady of Boschetto was built between 1612 and 1630 to remember the July 2, 1518 the Virgin Mary appeared to a shepherdess twelve years old.


In the year of our Lord 1518, a few scattered houses broke the monotony Valley Road, full of olive groves and vineyards, and a part that was forested, of which a beautiful shaded valley center. 
In Boschetto time there was a chestnut, oaks and elms. Where three roads came together, there was a building with a painting of the Virgin and Child Jesus in her arms. It is not known how and by whom it was exposed and painted. 
In front of the capitol stopped reciting prayers passersby, mostly farmers. Among the regulars was a girl of twelve years old, pastor, call Angela Schiaffino, that on 2 July, as always stopped to pray before the painting. Absorbed in prayer suddenly appeared a beautiful lady, who expressed the hope that he fulfills his hope that he build a church. The woman said she had to tell people that this place should lift a Church. But Angela tells it says that nobody will believe. 
Then the Virgin makes a mark on the palm of your hand, just a M which at that time was used to do in Gothic character, presenting the eyes of people with similarity to a horseshoe, and did the same on a large stone close to them, indicating the site of the shrine should be built and the Monastery. 
All Camoglini thanked the sweet Queen of Heaven, who once broke his light shades of Boschetto, which could well symbolize the darkness of our intellect, and sanctifies us by his multiple appearances on this earth to the joy of righteous. 
The divine message entrusted to the girl, as evidenced by the signs in hand and stone, and many other wonders, quickly found the approval of the people. He immediately began construction of a chapel. 
Finally the Miracle box was placed in the small sanctuary. Angela Schiaffino, eloquent witness, lived for many years and was highly regarded throughout the valley, particularly to predict its many hidden things that were going to happen and don. When he finished his time on this earth, was buried at the foot of the Virgin box. 
For almost 500 years of history, four Roman Pontiffs involved with acts that directly affect the worship of Our Lady of Boschetto Camogli. 
Pope Pius VII on August 12, 1817 granted the miracle-worker coronation, which took place with great solemnity on August 30, 1818 in the third centenary of the apparition. 
Gregory XVI on May 22, 1841 Pope granted proper Mass and Office. 
Pope Pius X on October 24, 1905 granted the rule of privileged altar with the benefit of celebrating Masses for the repose of the souls to gain the release of Purgatory. 
Finally Pope Pius XII on March 27, 1955 proclaimed Our Lady of Boschetto as Patron to the City of Camogli. 
In the sixteenth century, at the crossroads of three routes was a pillar surmounted by an image depicting the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus on her lap. In this sacred effigy, according to testimony gathered in the early seventeenth century by Father Serafino Genoa, the July 2, 1518 the Virgin appeared to Angela Schiaffino, a shepherdess only twelve, he expressed the wish that he quickly erected a chapel. 
The remains of the first religious building, now hidden in the embankment below the square, came to light when the wall collapsed support: You could calculate that in this sacred temple, the door facing north and the apse noon. Length measured just over ten meters wide and just under five. 
When you need to make an extension of the historic stone chapel irrevocably marked by finger Madonna was lost. In 1603 this stone was broken into several pieces by the involuntary action of a bricklayer. 
In 1612, with the arrival of the Servite fathers, we proceeded to the enlargement of the chapel and the building of the old convent. The work lasted about twenty years, with the contribution of all those who generously offered the costs of labor and product donation of land and sea: barrels of oil, wine and salted fish. The civic administration, meanwhile, used the proceeds of Capodimonte factory and some extraordinary contributions. 
The new church is about thirty feet long and ten and a half feet wide: the high altar, built of brick, was re made of marble a few years later, and then the top, which was amended during the century rose restorations of the nineteenth century. 
The suppression of the religious orders and the confiscation of their property declared in the Napoleonic era, also hit the Shrine of Boschetto, which could remain open to the public only through the town of Camogli. 
In 1810 the property is sold to Bartholomew Denegri, Genoese, who restored. In 1947 the resort was purchased and donated to the shrine by the Rector Monsignor Giacomo Crovari. 
The present church retains a few elements of the seventeenth century have undergone numerous transformations in the following centuries. Accessed via a courtyard whose mantle covers the asphalt paving of 1818. 
The first altar that is going right, is dedicated to a saint of the Servite, Pellegrino Laziosi order, canonized in 725. Setentesco The canvas that adorns represents an episode of his life when his disease in his leg was miraculously cured by Christ down from the cross. 
Keep the altar of Our Lady of Sorrows, patron and owner of the Servite Confraternity and adjacent to the church chapel. Also valuable wooden statue of Francisco Ravaschio disciple of Schiaffino, with seven oval medallions depicting the sorrows of Mary. 
The third altar, decorated with a painting, is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. Beside the altar, on the right, is remembered Benizi San Filippo, founder of the Servants of Mary. The canvas is a vision of the Holy, during which the Virgin, on a triumphal chariot drawn by a lion and a lamb, San Filippo gives the habit of the Order. 
Back from the right ship you can admire the recent paintings of prof. Ferruccio Poggi. 
In the center of the great nave cool prof notes. Isola (XIX), which represent the "Assunta with the four prophets." 
Over the high altar is the table with the sacred image of Our Lady, who has a son in her lap. It is a valuable work of invoice attributed to Teramo Piaggio Zoagli, a painter of the school of Antonio Semino, who worked a lot in the Riviera di Levante. In 1887 he was included in a silver frame Camogliesi donated by devotees. 
On return, the cool Paganelli (XVII) is the appearance of the Virgin to Angela Schiaffino. Beside the altar two paintings, the work of Paolo De Lucca Serbian (XIX), illustrating the visitation and Coronation of the Madonna. 
In the left aisle is the altar of St. Augustine, built by the corporation of silk weavers in the early eighteenth century, which has exposed the relic of St. John Bond, a native of Camogli and bishop of Milan in seventh century. 
Follow the chapel once dedicated to the Assunta, dedicated to San Jose today, a valuable marble altar and a wooden statue of the nineteenth century, the work of Antonio Canepa. 
Finally, you can admire the altar of St. Mary Magdalene, built in the seventeenth century by Lardone family. The cove is the Santa on his deathbed, surrounded by angels that came to accompany the flight to heaven. 
On the east side of the church you can visit the cloister of the seventeenth century, underwent a long restoration process that began in 1974 and concluded in January 1986, with the solemn inauguration of the Cardinal Archbishop of Genoa, Giuseppe Siri. 
The home has a hundred votive paintings, some of which are well crafted, all communicate the devotion of the sailors to Our Lady Camogliesi del Boschetto. Seventeenth century is the oratorio against the arm of the convent, with entrance on the patio. Even today it is the site of the former Fellowship dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, which annually organizes the Friday saint of the basilica with a procession with the ark of the Virgin. 
The construction of this temple lasted 20 years and all citizens participated costs, including tuna; contemporaneous documents show that in 1630 the income from fishing were dedicated to the sanctuary. This place has become over the centuries the seat of the worship and devotion of the men of the sea, a true sanctuary of sailors and fishermen. 
The inhabitants of Camogli, resorted to "his" Virgin asked, and because they were receiving, began to lead to helpful sanctuary of saying thanks for supernatural aid received in time of need. 
Many sailors in charge paintings depicting the danger of escaped, some of these pictures were painted abroad, before returning home, others in a position to safely once reached Camogli were brought to the Shrine. Each of these paintings tells a story, is a sort of diary board, as they often not only the event, name of the vessel and the captain, but also the latitude and longitude where the vessel was in danger reported in detail . 
Tradition says that in the past at least 400 of these votive offerings were posted inside the church, while in 1938 only 76 were unfortunately having irretrievably lost another. 



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